Our “AlarmNet® for Less” program saves Dealers Money!

How much do you pay your CENTRAL STATION for your AlarmNet® services now?

AlarmNet® only sells its services directly to Central Stations, allowing them to mark-up their wholesale fees by as much as they want.

What if you could keep your AlarmNet accounts in the SAME Central Station, and get the same wholesale pricing your Central Station receives?


Click HERE For Complete Details or to Start Today!

With VirtuAlarm® ‘AlarmNet® for Less” program, you only pay the wholesale Central Station rate

plus a $1.00* service fee to route each of your AlarmNet® accounts signal back to your existing, or any new Central Station. 

(1) If your not already, sign up to be a VirtuAlarm® Dealer.

(2) Request to add “AlarmNet® for LESS” to your Dealer account by calling 1-800-681-6791.

(3) Through AlarmNet 360, you can add new AlarmNet® accounts yourself online or have them auto-populate upon receipt of a signal.

(4) NO DOWN TIME.  AlarmNet® account signals will be routed to your Central Station of choice in real-time

(5) *Based on how many AlarmNet for Less accounts you have with us, (Minimum 25 required.) you only pay the $2.50 base signal forwarding fee from VirtuAlarm, plus the actual wholesale rate billed to VirtuAlarm from AlarmNet, plus a $1.00 to $3.50 USD service fee per account from VirtuAlarm.com based on the posted rates below: (See aggerated rates based on total accounts online below.)

    • 25 to 100 AlarmNet Accounts ($3.50 ea.) 

    • 101 to 300 AlarmNet Accounts ($3.25 ea.) 

    • 301 to 500 AlarmNet Accounts ($3.00 ea.) 

    • 501 to 1000 AlarmNet Accounts ($1.75 ea.)

    • 1001 to 1500 AlarmNet Accounts ($1.50 ea.)

    • 1501 to 2000 AlarmNet Accounts ($1.25 ea.)

    • 2001 + AlarmNet Accounts ($1.00 ea.)

For more information on how you can start saving on your AlarmNet® fees, contact us at 1-800-681-6791.

Click HERE For Complete Details or to Start Today!


AlarmNet® is a registered Trade Mark of the PITTWAY CORPORATION.